Interesting links
Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall
Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra website
Architects- Alexander Tamanian and George Tamanian (Alexander's elder son)
Now and Then: The Opera and its Surroundings
The Armenian Weekly. Vardan Hovhannisyan History, Travel, 06.04.2019
The Architect of the Twelfth Capital
Eduard Ayanyan
Yerevan Magazine, Fall, N2, 2008
Armenia, the Land of Noah | Full Documentaries - Planet Doc 2013
Armenian Genocide PBS Documentary
Another Genocide after the Genocide (with English subtitles).
About Armenian churches destroyed in Western Armenia (now Turkey)
Armenian Architecture
Visit Armenia
Phoenix Tour Armenia
Interesting Family Connections
Alexander Tamanian's wife Camilla Matveyevna Tamanian (nee Edwards), on her mother's side, comes from two very distinguished artistic dynasties - The Benois family of French origin and The Cavos family of Italian origin. Here we present some of the family members.
Catterino Cavos (1775 -1840) - Italian composer, organist and conductor in Russia. Great- great- grandfather of Camilla Edwards-Tamanian. Known as the composer of the opera "Ivan Susanin" (1815) before Glinka composed his opera of the same name
Alberto Cavos (1800-1863) - architect who designed The Mariinsky Theatre in St Petersburg and the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. The son of composer Catterino Cavos. Great-grandfather of Camilla Edwards-Tamanian
Louis-Jules-Caesar-Auguste Benois (born in Saint-Ouen-sur-Morin, Ile-de-France, France in 1770. Died in 1822 in St Petersburg) - Frenchman, confectionery and pastry chef of Russian royal court of Alexander III, great-grandfather of Camilla Edwards-Tamanian. His wife was a German woman by the name of Anna Katarina Christina Concordia Gropp (1777-1863).
Nicholas (Nikolai) Leontievich Benois (1813-1898) - academician, professor of architecture, chief architect of Peterhof. The son of pastry chef
Louis-Jules-Caesar-Auguste Benois. Grandfather of Camilla Edwards-Tamanian.
Albert Nikolaevich Benois (1852-1936) - Russian painter, architect, academician. A. Tamanian's teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts. The son of architect Nicholas Leontievich Benois.
Camilla Edrward- Tamanian's uncle. In 1924 he emigrated to Paris.
Leon (Leonty) Nikolaevich Benois (1856-1928) - academician, professor of architecture, teacher of A. Tamanian at the Academy of Fine Arts.
The son of architect Nicholas Leontievich Benois.
Camilla Edrward- Tamanian's uncle.
His daughter Nadezhda (Nadia) Leontievna Benois (Ustinova) was a famous painter and her son, Sir Peter Ustinov was a famous
Alexander Nikolaevich Benois (1870-1960) - famous painter, art critic, historian, preservationist, designer for Sergei Diaghilev's Ballets Russes (Russian ballet). Founder of the “World of The Arts”
society and its magazine. The son of architect Nicholas Leontievich Benois.
Camilla Edrward-Tamanian's uncle.
Benois Family - many famous connections
Nadezhda (Nadia) Leontievna Benois (Ustinova) (1896-1975) - British theater painter, set designer and book illustrator. The daughter of
architect Leon (Leonty) Nikolaevich Benois, the mother of the famous British actor Sir Peter Ustinov. Camilla Edwards-Tamanian's cousin.
Sir Peter Ustinov (1921-2004) - famous English actor, writer, and filmmaker. He was the son of Camilla Edwards' cousin Nadia (Nadezhda) Leontievna Ustinova (née Benois), the renowned painter and stage designer.
Eugene Lanceray (1875-1946) - graphic artist, painter, sculptor, mosaicist and illustrator. Camilla Edwards-Tamanian's cousin, the son of Catherine Nicholaevna Benois and sculptor Eugene Lanceray (senior).
Nikolay Lanceray (1879-1942) - Russian architect, illustrator and biographer. Camilla Edwards-Tamanian's cousin, the son of Catherine
Benois and sculptor Eugene Lanceray (senior).
Zinaida Serebriakova (née Lanceray) (1884-1967) - renowned Russian (later French) painter. Camilla Edwards-Tamanian's cousin, the daughter of Catherine
Benois and sculptor Eugene Lanceray (senior)
Ludwig Ludwigovich Schreter (1878-1911)- renowned architect, married to Catherine Leontyevna Benois (the cousin of Camilla Edwards- Tamanian)
Login Ludwigovich (Loginovich) Schreter (1908-1988)- Professor of architecture, watercolorist. The son of Catherine Leontyevna Benoit and architect Ludwig L. Schreter

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